AMR Research at Notre Dame

The University of Notre Dame is on the forefront of research on AMR (aka Antimicrobial Resistance). Below, you’ll be able to view a few comprehensive videos that explore what studying AMR looks like, what Notre Dame is doing in their research related to AMR, and what we have yet to learn about AMR. These videos will help you to understand where we’re going with research in this field and what that means for the future of AMR.


The Study of AMR in the Environment

▶Questions to think about:
  1. Why have antibiotics been so transformative? In both good and bad ways?
  2. How can collecting samples in the field help us answer questions about AMR in the environment?
  3. Why are antibiotic resistance genes important in the study of AMR? 

Research Currently Being Done on AMR

▶Questions to think about:
  1. How can farming practices unintentionally contribute to AMR spread?
  2. Have you had any ideas about what some alternative solutions are for treating or processing manure from animal husbandry?
  3. What are some ways we can limit the harm caused by resistance to commonly used antibiotics?, i.e., last line antibiotics, bacteriophage, minimize use of abx.
  4. Why are Notre Dame’s experimental research facilities unique?

What We Don't Know About AMR

▶Questions to think about:
  1. We mentioned a few unknowns about AMR in the environment. As you are watching the videos, are there any particular unknowns that you think are most interesting or do you have any other questions about AMR?
  2. For yourself, what is the most interesting aspect of AMR research?
  3. Why is it important for farmers to be directly connected to the research being conducted about AMR?
  4. What benefit does drainage water management have for crops? How could this also potentially help with AMR dissemination in the field?
  5. Why is communicating scientific findings such a challenge?

Our Research

▶Questions to think about:
  1. Why are streams so pivotal in the spread (or lack thereof) of AMR?
  2. How can mathematical computation through modeling help us understand AMR dissemination?
  3. What are important environmental variables to consider in our models of AMR in streams?
  4. How does a One Health Approach enhance our research on AMR