
Reilly Center Welcomes New Director

The John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values at the University of Notre Dame is pleased to announce its new director, Dr. Anjan Chakravartty. Dr. Chakravartty, a distinguished philosopher…

Hunting for Asian carp by what they left behind

Think of it as CSI for fish. Like the crime scene investigators on television detective shows, fisheries scientists are relying on a technique called eDNA (environmental DNA) to search the Great Lakes for evidence of Asian carp that are too sparsely spread to be captured by electrofishing,…

Hunting for Asian carp by what they left behind

Think of it as CSI for fish. Like the crime scene investigators on television detective shows, fisheries scientists are relying on a technique called eDNA (environmental DNA) to search the Great Lakes for evidence of Asian carp that are too sparsely spread to be captured by electrofishing,…